A Place to find LOVE~HOPE~SUPPORT and JOY!

Patti with an Eye

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Healing Power of Forgiveness and Grace

It is amazing how much time we spend worrying about what people think about us, about our lives, about what we should do..be..have etc. It is beyond exhausting. We forget to live our lives in the moment. We have heard about "living in the moment" for so long now. Have we really learned how to do it is the question..Are we just "pretending" to live this way?
When we DO live for each moment, basking in the beauty of all that is around us, there is very little time for anger, depression, anxiety and worry. When we stop to hear a dog snoring, a bird chirping, a car passing by, a clock ticking, a child laughing, a washing machine turning etc. we cannot be caught up in our drama. Our mind will not have both an external and internal conversation...Our mind longs for the external to take over our heart and our soul.
When we are present we are able to release the past and only see the beauty of NOW. This is how our Creator sees everything. A Course In Miracles teaches us that the ONLY energy that God can see is the energy of blessings and LOVE. God is blind to all else. What if we could ONLY see the blessings that we have offered to others in our lifetime? What if we couldn't see the hurt? What if we ONLY saw the good and divine nature of ourselves instead of the guilt and shame that haunts us? What would your life look like? What kind of JOY would your heart sing to then? These are questions that can all be answered just by opening yourself up to the energy of your GOD...Opening yourself up to the idea that ONLY love is REAL and that all else is simply an illusion created by your ego mind. The mind does NOT believe any truth until you repeat it over and over and over again. Whatever you tell your brain it will BELIEVE..I am encouraging you to tell yourself, your ego, your brain, your heart and soul this...."I am worthy of Gods' love for ME...I am worthy of ALL good and wonderful things that my life has to offer. I  love MYSELF unconditionally even though I have made mistakes..even though I have hurt myself and others along the way. I choose to SEE the good that is within me for this is my connection to you, dearest God. This is my birthright. Thank you for all that is good and loving in my life. May I be a blessing to all who I meet and also a blessing to myself."
Now call on Arch Angel Raphael, the Arch Angel of healing, to come and assist you with any leftover anger or guilt that you are feeling. Ask him to take it from you so that you may begin a NEW life in this moment. He is more than willing to help you and offer you a complete and lasting healing!
I send you my prayers each day and pray that this message will allow you to walk a NEW road that is filled with a miracle every minute!For wonderful messages from the angels each day...

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Healing Power of Prayer

Over the past few days I have had the opportunity to be with many people who have fallen on great hardship in their lives. For some of them it has been the loss of someone dear to them through a tragic passing and for some it has been a "demon" within themselves that they struggle with. In each of these circumstances I am reminded that one thing remains constant in our lives and that is that God is in charge...God loves us unconditionally and God is a never ending force of energy that surrounds us at all times no matter where we find ourselves.

I know that I have promised to teach on the angels over these next couple of weeks but I have been so busy, at work, that I have neglected my angel teaching and I know that you will forgive me for it...I feel so very grateful tonight to be able to love and be loved. I feel so grateful that I believe in the power of forgiveness and unconditional love. Each and every day I learn how to love more and to offer more as a spiritual being in a human body. I come to you today to encourage YOU to reach out to your angels. To reach your hand out to God. To open your heart to the love of your soul and the love of Heaven that waits for you. There are many circumstances in our lives that cause us to feel lost and betrayed. I have been in that mindset and I understand it. We are here to grow and to learn. This is our "Earth School" and it is NOT always an easy classroom to be in, is it? Remember today that all you have ever wanted..All that you have ever hoped for, is within your reach......Just a prayer away.....

I am here today to simply say this to you~The angels and your God, the Creator of ALL that is GOOD and HOLY, is available to you...That God is a loving energy force that connects you to the undying love of Heaven and all those who reside there. If you are feeling lost, confused, unloved, anxious or maybe even cynical, reach your heart and hands up to Heaven...The LOVE that awaits you there will create MIRACLES in your life...

I send you this message on the wings of a million angels and with the BELIEF that ALL IS WELL on every level.....OXOX

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Healing Power of Arch Angel Raziel

I have used Arch Angel Raziel with my work as a medium for quite some time now. He has an amazing gift of being able to help us with our intuitive abilities and clairvoyance. In Hebrew, his name means "secret of God". Raziel sits very close to Creator God and understands the secrets of the Universe and the inner workings of how our world operates. I have always been particularly fascinated with his legacy as an angel. It is said that he wrote down all of the secrets as symbols and it was called "The  Book of the Angel Raziel". Apparently, when Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden Raziel offered his book to Adam so that he might have a way to learn from his "mistakes" in the Garden and flow back into the grace of God. As the story goes the book was also given to Noah by the Arch Angel Raphael and he used much of the information that he found in the text to create the Ark and help those on board after the flood had passed. Now that's what I call a BEST seller! A lot of Biblical and literary scholar's believe that the book (which you can actually purchase in stores!) was written, not by Arch Angel Raziel, but by a Jewish scholar from the middle ages. Whatever is the truth may be left only for God to know, but many agree that once you call upon Arch  Angel Raziel to help you understand the difficult  messages within the book, you are able to understand it more easily.

Because of his gifts that have been given to him by God, Arch Angel Raziel can really help us to understand spiritual information that might otherwise fly over the top of our heads! He loves the study of sacred geometry, quantum physics, mediumship, energy healing and channeling. If you long to be opened up to your intuitive gifts, you will see a HUGE change in the way you embrace them once you call upon this angel. Raziel also loves helping us with the law of attraction in order to  manifest our heart's truest desires. When you call upon him, for reasons of this nature, you will feel a gentle pull to begin to keep a journal about your feelings and your dreams. Although you may need to invoke him on several occasions before you begin to feel his presence around you, I can assure you that it will be well worth the wait! He has a sweet and subdued personality and slips his energy around you like a warm blanket on a chilly, winter night. He is a soothing and quiet energy that never forces anything upon us, as human beings, but takes his time getting to know us individually, like a dear and trusted friend.

I have always been intrigued with esoteric information about spirituality. I love to learn about old religious and spiritual practices, but I do find many of the lessons hard to understand or even grasp the concept of. When I call on Arch Angel Raziel I seem to be able, much more easily, to feel and know the reasons behind the practices and whether or not I resonate with them. When I call upon him I make sure that my surroundings are peaceful and undisturbed. I love calling on him on a nature walk or sitting by the water. His messages are often very profound, so I always try to have a little notebook handy when I work with him in case I want to write a message from him down. His name has a wonderfully lyrical quality about it so I will sometimes use non-lyrical music in the background to help create a loving atmosphere to call on him.

If you would like to increase your intuitive abilities and learn more about Creator and all of the secrets of Heaven simply say this prayer:
"Dear Arch Angel Raziel I am humbled to be in your presence and I thank you for coming to me. I long to learn more about the secrets of Heaven and to increase my psychic and intuitive abilities. I ask that you surround me now with your knowledge and loving presence. I ask that I might understand the Divine workings of the Universe and be more open to allowing God's grace to flow through me and into the world. Thank you for being my teacher and offering me your loving support. Amen"

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Healing Power of Arch Angel Gabrielle

I know that I spell her name a little bit differently than you have seen in religious texts, but the thing is that "Gabby" is a chic to me, not a dude. Now are you even more surprised? Chic's and dudes? Is this what angel teaching has come down to? Oh Lordy!!! Well the truth is that when I was a little girl I leaned over to my Mother at a Christmas service and said, "Did God really have a boy angel come to tell Mary that she was going to have a baby?!" In my young mind I could rationalize, even then, that Creator would have sent a girl to tell Mary about the baby. Of course that is an entirely different session but for now let's just talk about this wonderfulyl strong angel known as Gabriel.

In Hebrew, Gabriel means "God is my strength" and is known by many as the messenger of all of the angels. She is an amazingly beautiful angel with a glowing aura and long silken air that seems to meld with her energy. She is always peaceful and very sure of herself. She is a steadfast companion when you are feeling alone and unsure of your life. She has many different qualities about her that come in handy for us as human beings. Let's talk a bit about her gifts.

Gabriel is a lover of children and for that reason, she can help parents who wish to bring a child into their family, either through conception or adoption. When you call on her during your pregnancy you are sure to feel her presence around you, guiding you to eat healthy foods, get plenty of rest and remain calm about your delivery. Also, if you are having difficulty in conception, calling on her can lead you to the right Dr.'s and allow you to feel peace about the process of fertility choice options. She is a blessed angel for parents to get to know and make "use" of as they raise a family. I would NOT know what to do without her myself!

The second attribute that Gabby finds herself immersed in is that of "agent" to those in the field of writing, acting, music and the arts. If you have a gift in one of those areas, or have always wished to write a book, you should call on her to assist you in your ideas and career options. She IS the angel to call on when going on an audition, fighting your "stage fears" and choosing the right publisher etc. For centuries, Arch Angel Gabriel has helped those in the arts to further their careers and build upon their creative dreams! She is always ready to help so call on her today with your dreams! The angels NEVER have too much "work" on their hands (or maybe wings!) and they LOVE it when the humans call on them for help.

Gabriel is one of the strongest of the Arch Angels even though her energy is light and airy. She will help you to get up and off of that couch and out into the world to achieve and live your dreams! She is a wonderful coach and she LOVES to blow that whistle too! When you call on Gabriel be ready to get into action and see results!

You can call on her by saying this simple prayer~ "Dear Arch Angel Gabriel, please come to my side and help me with my creative powers. I ask that you open my heart and mind to receive all that Heaven wants for me and more than I dream possible. I know that having you in my life will push me into positive action with amazing results. I am so very grateful to have you flying beside me. And so it is."

You may wish to put a piece of jagged clear quartz crystal by your bedside table so that Gabriel may help to turn up the "energy" and messages that come to you while you rest. Be sure to have a dream journal handy so that you can right important ideas and dreams down upon getting up in the morning. You may also wish to keep an image of her near your in home alter or over your bed when you are working with her. She can readily be found as the angel with the trumpet on note cards, on paintings or in framed artwork. I know that working with this loving and beautiful angel will bring miracle's into your life!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Healing Power of Arch Angel Michael

Many people know him as Saint Michael which is a name that, in Hebrew, means "he who is like God". AA Michael is the head of an order of angels known as the Virtues. AA Michael is a fierce protector to the human beings and helps to eradicate low levels of fear and energy from the Earth and those who live here. He is the leader of the Lightworkers, who are people on Earth that believe that their mission is to spread the message of Love over fear and to bring the joy of God's blessings to everyone that they meet. He helps the Lightworker to grow in their ability to help others and to heal individual's from any form of illness, whether it be spiritual, mental or physical. He is truly one of the most intense and loving angels whom I have ever worked with. That is not to say that any angel that I have ever worked with is "not" loving, of course they each have their own special energy.

To the clairvoyant "eye" AA Michael appears very tall and quite attractive. That's right! He is one hunk of an Arch Angel! He comes to me with long, blond flowing hair and intense eyes that seem to change color from time to time. Almost every time that I work with him he is carrying a sword and shield in front of his heart center. I have always believed that this is his way of protecting the human beings from fear and unrest. When he first came to me I was at a retreat conducted by Doreen Virtue at The Omega Institute in NY state. I was in my bed with no light's on. There was a furious thunder storm outside and I was hunkered down underneath my covers drifting off into a peaceful sleep. I suddenly felt as if I could hear bells ringing and I opened my eyes to see a magnificent purple crystal floating in the air above my bed. Trust me when I tell you that I know how that sounds, but this is what happened to me! Although it may not seem inspiring or magical to you as you read this, I have to say that to this day it remains one of the MOST profound spiritual moments of my life. From that moment forward I have felt a deep connection to this amazing energy being and his presence in my life has enriched my connection to God and all of my abilities as a healer. He has even allowed me to channel his energy at some of my workshops, and all of those in attendance have been blessed by his words.

I also like to call him the HOT flash angel. Almost every time I work with him or receive a message from him for myself, or a client, my entire body gets really hot. It is sometimes even uncomfortable and when you're my age, you are unsure if this is an angel message or some "other" kind of message! You girls know what I mean here! But, I have come to realize that his energy is of such a high vibration of love that when he offers a human being a message our physical body reacts to it. Now this has become a great validation of his presence for me and I have taught that to those in my workshops.

We also like to call him "Mr. Fix It" around our house. AA Michael is incredibly good with electronic equipment, or anything mechanical like computers or cars. If you have something in your home that goes on the blink for NO reason, call on AA Michael before you go calling a repair man/woman! He comes for free, leaves your house with a great energy about it and doesn't ask for a thank you note when he's done! Now how can you beat that kind of service?

Whenever you are feeling lost, afraid, weak, unsure or unmotivated, you can call upon AA Michael to guide you to a better and brighter state of mind and being. He LOVES to help rid the human being of addiction also. If you have tried to stop the use of any addiction in your life whether it be a substance or a way of thinking, you may call on him for support. Just imagine the addiction like a big blob of ugly goo, (how's that for a good spiritual term?), and ask him to come and cut the cord that you have connecting that addiction to your body, mind or ego. It may take more than just one session, but if you stay dedicated to your time with him, you will begin to notice dramatic changes in the way you view your craving/mind pattern.

You may wish to carry or wear an amethyst crystal or wear purple or indigo blue clothing to draw this wonderful angel closer to you. To invoke AA Michael simply say, "Arch Angel Michael please come to my side and guide me. I want your protective energy around me at all times!" You only ever need to call on him in such a way as this one time! You don't have to continue to wonder if he is around you or not. The angels come to us because they love us unconditionally, but you do need to invoke their presence on your own. The angels have to respect our right to "free will" in this life and they only come to our aid without our permission when our lives are in danger of ending before our contract is up.

I pray that you will call on St. Michael and be blessed by the physical and spiritual warmth that he offers. Be reminded that by calling on the presence of an angel you are NOT going against the will of God, but rather floating downstream WITH the energy of God. God has created these light beings of energy to assist Heaven in providing love, protection and miracle's on the Earth and to all of her inhabitant's. By invoking an angel you are bringing the energy of God closer to you and closer to all of your thoughts.
I used to believe that my life was just that.."My life." I never gave much thought to the fact that I was in my body to serve a purpose greater than just a simple day to day existence. When I learned, in the late 1990's, that I had a gift to hear and see people that were not in their physical bodies any longer, I began to wonder more and more about the meaning of "life" and the purpose that was meant for me. We have all had these feelings, this wondering of "why" we are here? What is the meaning of my life? Perhaps the meaning for any one of us is just "to be" and not to "try" so hard to be something that we think we should be or something that we admire in someone else. These thoughts often leave us feeling less than we should...as if we are not perfect just as we are. In learning more about the God that created me and how very much that energy is a part of ME, I have come to realize that we each have the gifts of the Spirit of God. I am not different than you in any way except that I have opened my  heart to those gifts and I have believed in the power of my soul to develop and utilize them. We are the same, you and I. If you long to know more about your own gifts and how to celebrate them instead of fear them, then I pray that you will find a time in your day to join me here for good fellowship and conversation about all things spiritual. In realizing that we are spiritual beings on a human journey we come to know that we DO have the POWER to create a NEW life in each breath that we take. I welcome you to that NEW life and pray that, in it, you find a NEW way to connect to the power within yourself that has been longing for an awakening.