A Place to find LOVE~HOPE~SUPPORT and JOY!

Patti with an Eye

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I used to believe that my life was just that.."My life." I never gave much thought to the fact that I was in my body to serve a purpose greater than just a simple day to day existence. When I learned, in the late 1990's, that I had a gift to hear and see people that were not in their physical bodies any longer, I began to wonder more and more about the meaning of "life" and the purpose that was meant for me. We have all had these feelings, this wondering of "why" we are here? What is the meaning of my life? Perhaps the meaning for any one of us is just "to be" and not to "try" so hard to be something that we think we should be or something that we admire in someone else. These thoughts often leave us feeling less than we should...as if we are not perfect just as we are. In learning more about the God that created me and how very much that energy is a part of ME, I have come to realize that we each have the gifts of the Spirit of God. I am not different than you in any way except that I have opened my  heart to those gifts and I have believed in the power of my soul to develop and utilize them. We are the same, you and I. If you long to know more about your own gifts and how to celebrate them instead of fear them, then I pray that you will find a time in your day to join me here for good fellowship and conversation about all things spiritual. In realizing that we are spiritual beings on a human journey we come to know that we DO have the POWER to create a NEW life in each breath that we take. I welcome you to that NEW life and pray that, in it, you find a NEW way to connect to the power within yourself that has been longing for an awakening.

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