A Place to find LOVE~HOPE~SUPPORT and JOY!

Patti with an Eye

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Healing Power of Forgiveness and Grace

It is amazing how much time we spend worrying about what people think about us, about our lives, about what we should do..be..have etc. It is beyond exhausting. We forget to live our lives in the moment. We have heard about "living in the moment" for so long now. Have we really learned how to do it is the question..Are we just "pretending" to live this way?
When we DO live for each moment, basking in the beauty of all that is around us, there is very little time for anger, depression, anxiety and worry. When we stop to hear a dog snoring, a bird chirping, a car passing by, a clock ticking, a child laughing, a washing machine turning etc. we cannot be caught up in our drama. Our mind will not have both an external and internal conversation...Our mind longs for the external to take over our heart and our soul.
When we are present we are able to release the past and only see the beauty of NOW. This is how our Creator sees everything. A Course In Miracles teaches us that the ONLY energy that God can see is the energy of blessings and LOVE. God is blind to all else. What if we could ONLY see the blessings that we have offered to others in our lifetime? What if we couldn't see the hurt? What if we ONLY saw the good and divine nature of ourselves instead of the guilt and shame that haunts us? What would your life look like? What kind of JOY would your heart sing to then? These are questions that can all be answered just by opening yourself up to the energy of your GOD...Opening yourself up to the idea that ONLY love is REAL and that all else is simply an illusion created by your ego mind. The mind does NOT believe any truth until you repeat it over and over and over again. Whatever you tell your brain it will BELIEVE..I am encouraging you to tell yourself, your ego, your brain, your heart and soul this...."I am worthy of Gods' love for ME...I am worthy of ALL good and wonderful things that my life has to offer. I  love MYSELF unconditionally even though I have made mistakes..even though I have hurt myself and others along the way. I choose to SEE the good that is within me for this is my connection to you, dearest God. This is my birthright. Thank you for all that is good and loving in my life. May I be a blessing to all who I meet and also a blessing to myself."
Now call on Arch Angel Raphael, the Arch Angel of healing, to come and assist you with any leftover anger or guilt that you are feeling. Ask him to take it from you so that you may begin a NEW life in this moment. He is more than willing to help you and offer you a complete and lasting healing!
I send you my prayers each day and pray that this message will allow you to walk a NEW road that is filled with a miracle every minute!For wonderful messages from the angels each day...