A Place to find LOVE~HOPE~SUPPORT and JOY!

Patti with an Eye

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Healing Power of Prayer

Over the past few days I have had the opportunity to be with many people who have fallen on great hardship in their lives. For some of them it has been the loss of someone dear to them through a tragic passing and for some it has been a "demon" within themselves that they struggle with. In each of these circumstances I am reminded that one thing remains constant in our lives and that is that God is in charge...God loves us unconditionally and God is a never ending force of energy that surrounds us at all times no matter where we find ourselves.

I know that I have promised to teach on the angels over these next couple of weeks but I have been so busy, at work, that I have neglected my angel teaching and I know that you will forgive me for it...I feel so very grateful tonight to be able to love and be loved. I feel so grateful that I believe in the power of forgiveness and unconditional love. Each and every day I learn how to love more and to offer more as a spiritual being in a human body. I come to you today to encourage YOU to reach out to your angels. To reach your hand out to God. To open your heart to the love of your soul and the love of Heaven that waits for you. There are many circumstances in our lives that cause us to feel lost and betrayed. I have been in that mindset and I understand it. We are here to grow and to learn. This is our "Earth School" and it is NOT always an easy classroom to be in, is it? Remember today that all you have ever wanted..All that you have ever hoped for, is within your reach......Just a prayer away.....

I am here today to simply say this to you~The angels and your God, the Creator of ALL that is GOOD and HOLY, is available to you...That God is a loving energy force that connects you to the undying love of Heaven and all those who reside there. If you are feeling lost, confused, unloved, anxious or maybe even cynical, reach your heart and hands up to Heaven...The LOVE that awaits you there will create MIRACLES in your life...

I send you this message on the wings of a million angels and with the BELIEF that ALL IS WELL on every level.....OXOX

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